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¡á Module UTLÀÌ ±âº»»ç¾çÀ̳ª, ¸ñÀû¿¡ ¸Â°Ô ModuleÀ» ¼±Åà ¹Ù²Ù¾î »ç¿ë °¡´ÉÇÔ
¡á Designed for mixing, dispersing, wet milling and incorporation of powder into liquids in laboratory scale
¡á Dispersing for manaufacturing of emulsions and suspensions
¡á Control & Info Center : Speed, Torque, Temperature
¡á Double-walled Working Chamber
¡á Module ³» ¿Âµµ¸¦ À¯Áö ½ÃÅ°±â À§ÇØ º°µµÀÇ ³Ãµ¿ Circulation Bath°¡ ÇÊ¿äÇÔ
Á¦¸ñ ¾øÀ½
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Module |
H01-05-050 |
U078310 |
MagicLab |
130 L/hour |
Cat. No. |
H01-05-050 |
Type |
MagicLab |
Motor Power |
900 W |
Working Temp. (In Module) |
Short Time Operation (3ºÐ ¹Ì¸¸) : 120¡É Long Time Operation (30ºÐ ¹Ì¸¸) : 80¡É |
Max. Process Pressure |
2.5 bar |
Speed |
Standard Rotation Speed : 16000 rpm Adjustable Rotation Speed Range : 3000 ~ 26000 rpm |
Flow Capacity |
130 L/hour (H2O at Standard Speed) |
Machine Dimension |
w170¡¿d270¡¿h215 mm |
Weight |
7 kg |
Power |
230V, 50/60 Hz |
Rotor-stator System |
4 M (Medium) |
Optional Generator (Roto-stator Systems)
for one-stage dispersing module ULTRA-TURRAXⓇ UTL
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
H01-05-885 |
U075043 |
6F |
Fine |
H01-05-889 |
U075042 |
4M |
Medium |
H01-05-893 |
U075043 |
2G |
Coarse |
Optional Module
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Speed |
H01-05-060 |
U075043 |
130 L/hour |
16000 rpm |
*±âº» Module·Î ÀçÇ°°ú °°ÀÌ °ø±ÞµÊ
* ¿¬¼Ó ¹× ¹Ýº¹ÀûÀÎ ÀÛ¾÷¿ë
* Single Stage Module
* Generator 4 M -´Ù¸¥ Optional Generator·Î ±³Ã¼ °¡´É
* For mixing greatly different viscosities
* Adjustable Speed : 3000 ~ 26000 rpm
* Inlet / Outlet Socket : Clamp 3/4¡± / Clamp 1/2¡±
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Speed |
H01-05-064 |
U078352 |
DR |
80 L/hour |
16000 rpm |
* Three Stage Dispersing Module
- 3°³ÀÇ Generator »ç¿ë °¡´É (Generator : 2G/4M/6F Standard)
- 2G (Rough) and 6F (Fine)
-°¡Àå °·ÂÇÑ Dispersing MachineÀ¸·Î °¡Àå ³ôÀº Fineness¸¦°¡Áü
* Idear for homogeneous and stable emulsions / suspensions
* Adjustable Speed : 3000 ~ 26000 rpm
* Inlet / Outlet Socket : Clamp 3/4¡± / Clamp 1/2¡±
Module : MHD
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Speed |
H01-05-068 |
U075262 |
60 L/hour |
11000 rpm |
* MHD : Mixing, Homogenising, Dispersing
* Module for continuous powder incorporation in liquid
* Fest wetting of s
* Homogeneous agglomerations-free mixed product in only one pass
* Solids content up to 80% and viscosities up to 50000 mPas will be possible
* Adjustable Speed : 3000 ~ 20000 rpm
* Inlet Socket (Solid / Liquid) : (25 mm / 35 mm) / 6 mm
* Outlet Socket : Clamp 1/2¡±
Module : CMS
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Speed |
H01-05-072 |
U075333 |
1000 L/hour |
11000 rpm |
H01-05-076 |
U083136 |
- |
CMS Plant Accessory |
* For discontinuous passing of powder
* Produces a vacuum at the inlet to sucking the powders directly into the mixing chamber of the machine without dust and agglomeration
* Suited for enrichment of liquids by powders in a recirculation process
* Adjustable Speed : 3000 ~ 16000 rpm
* Inlet Socket (Solid / Liquid) : Clamp 3/4¡± / Clamp 3/4¡±
* Outlet Socket : Clamp 3/4¡±
* V083136 : For powder incorporaion into liquid in recirculation mode
Module : Colloid mill MK / Cone Mill MKO
Cat. No. |
Model |
Type |
Flow Rate |
Speed |
H01-05-080 |
U076662 |
MK |
200 L/hour |
H01-05-084 |
U079664 |
25 L/hour |
16000 rpm |
* For wet milling
* For production of fine suspensions and emulsions
* Flexible adjustable of milling gab between two cone
* Milling Tool Tungsten Carbide (WCCO) Coated - MKO Module
- Enlarged friction surface that enables to produce even finer suspensions at reduced flow (More finer particle sharing as MK-module)
* Adjustable Speed : 3000 ~ 26000 rpm
* Inlet Socket : Clamp 3/4¡±
* Outlet Socket : Clamp 1/2¡±
Module : Micro-Plant 1 L & 2 L
Cat. No. |
Model |
Description |
H01-05-088 |
U079665 |
1 L Micro-plant |
H01-05-092 |
U082503 |
2 L Micro-plant |
H01-05-096 |
U088067 |
2 L Cover for Micro-plant |
* For dispersion in circulaing processes
* Recirculation process use UTL, DR, MK, MKO Modules
For Batch Process as ULTRA-TURRAXⓇ
Cat. No. |
Model |
Description |
H01-05-100 |
U079766 |
for Batch Process |
* Single Stage Batch Dispersing