4you dNTPs Mix is a premixed solution containing the sodium salts of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP, each at a concentration of 10 mM in water (total concentration of dNTPs is 40 mM, pH 7.5). This solution is ready for use and is optimized for PCR and other applications. Use one microliter of the mix for PCR amplification in 50 µl reaction volume. (Final conc. 200 µM).
Quality Control
Each particular dNTP in the mixture is tested for purity ( > 98% HPLC), UV-spectral characteristics, NMR-charactersistics, the performance in PCR with Taq DNA Polymerase and Pfu DNA Polymerase, the absence of deoxyendo-/exonucleases and RNase activities in the appropriate tests.